About Me



I am LaShunda. My goal for creating this blog is to inspire and empower through Godly words of wisdom.

It is my passion to help make a positive difference in the lives of people, the community, and the world. I am an entrepreneur; aspiring author, inspirational speaker, and spiritual life coach. I am also Founder & Executive Director of Women Inspiration  Network.

I am inspiring and encouraging myself as I inspire other people in their walk with the Lord. I have had many challenges in my walk with the Lord and have not always had the spiritual encourage that I’ve hoped for. So I have had to walk along many times. I have had of course pastors and other Christians who have helped and encouraged me. I also have felt rejected and given up on in the church. What I’ve needed and have not had was a spiritual mentor. Not someone to hold my hand but someone to make me accountable for my own walk. Also someone to make feel like I can make it and not give up. This have encouraged me to want to become a spiritual life coach and start my non profit organization. I don’t want others to feel that they are all along in this walk. I know the bible says that you ought to “encourage yourself in the Lord”. But sometimes we need to be encouraged by others and some more than others. We need help to remain in the Spirit.

Your not along the Anointed One lives in you and I feel God has called me to help by encouraging His people to remain faithful, to endure, and to not give up in their walk with the Lord.

I plan to discuss topics that people know but sometimes we need a refresher. So that we can repent in areas where we have fallen off course and be renewed. We want to keep the flow of blessings opened in our lives.

I would also like to cover exciting and fun topics that I believe especially women will find enjoyable such as fashion, women in business, home decor, and more.

Feel free to comment, ask questions, and be sure to follow. Send your special requests on topics you would like to be discussed.

Thank you,

LaShunda Howard

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